One Piece is an epic adventure manga that follows the journey of Monkey D. Luffy, a young pirate with the ability to stretch his body like rubber after eating a Devil Fruit. Luffy sets out to find the ultimate treasure, the One Piece, and become the King of the Pirates. Along the way, he assembles a diverse and quirky crew, battles powerful foes, explores fantastical islands, and unravels the secrets of the world, all while facing personal growth, forming deep friendships, and embodying the spirit of freedom and adventure.
Avalanche! Luffy and Sanji surf a tree down a mountain on a fast-moving wave of snow and just avoid being buried alive. But then the demented King Wapol suddenly appears and orders Luffy's and Sanji's deaths. With no time to lose, Luffy evades the attacks. Then, out of the blue, an unlikely friend comes to his rescue! A friend who was trying to kill him only hours before!