Yamato, also known as Yamato Kaido, is a prominent character in the manga and anime series "One Piece." She is the daughter of the fearsome pirate Emperor Kaido, and her real name is "Yamato Kozuki." Despite being biologically female, Yamato identifies as a male due to a deep admiration for the legendary samurai Oden Kozuki and dons masculine attire. Yamato is a formidable fighter with a desire to open the borders of Wano Country and aligns herself with Monkey D. Luffy's crew to help bring about a new dawn for her homeland.
From Banpresto. From One Piece, the daughter of Kaido, Yamato, joins the Grandline Children line! This non-scale figure of the adorable young Yamato measures about 5" tall and will make a perfect addition to any One Piece collection!