Demon Slayer, also known as "Kimetsu no Yaiba," is a captivating manga series by Koyoharu Gotouge. It tells the story of Tanjiro Kamado, a young boy who becomes a demon slayer after his family is brutally slaughtered and his sister, Nezuko, is transformed into a demon. Tanjiro embarks on a perilous journey to avenge his family and find a cure for his sister's condition, battling powerful demons and uncovering the secrets of his world along the way. With breathtaking artwork and intense action, Demon Slayer captivates readers with its rich characters, emotional depth, and epic battles between good and evil.
From MegaHouse. Genya and an all new version of Tanjiro from Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba join the Look Up figure line! These sweet little figures feature an adorable design and an appealing uplifted gaze, and they have a joint in their neck so the angle of their heads can be adjusted. You'll smile every time you see them! Tanjiro and Genya are sold separately, or are available as a 2 figure set!