Bleach is a popular manga series by Tite Kubo. It follows Ichigo Kurosaki, a teenager who gains the powers of a Soul Reaper after an encounter with Rukia Kuchiki. Tasked with protecting the living world from evil spirits known as Hollows, Ichigo navigates his new role and faces various challenges in the hidden world of the Soul Society. With action-packed battles and a rich storyline, Bleach is a must-read for fans of supernatural adventures.
It's the anniversary of Masaki's death, and the entire Kurosaki clan, along with former Soul Reaper Rukia Kuchiki, head to the cemetery to pay their respects. Sleeping demons rarely ever stay still and pretty soon Ichigo confronts the Grand Fisher, the Hollow that may be responsible for his mother's demise. This and more in this action-packed volume of Tite Kubo's manga smash-hit Bleach.