Bleach is a popular manga series by Tite Kubo. It follows Ichigo Kurosaki, a teenager who gains the powers of a Soul Reaper after an encounter with Rukia Kuchiki. Tasked with protecting the living world from evil spirits known as Hollows, Ichigo navigates his new role and faces various challenges in the hidden world of the Soul Society. With action-packed battles and a rich storyline, Bleach is a must-read for fans of supernatural adventures.
Rukia Kuchiki, the ex-Soul Reaper responsible for Ichigo's transformation, is on the lam. Her brethren at the Soul Society are quite displeased with the fact that she transferred the powers of a Soul Reaper to a human and have dispatched two of their strongest agents to neutralize the situation. Their mission is twofold: to return Rukia to the Soul Society so that she may pay for her crime and to deal with Ichigo--permanently. But an unlikely third party is standing in their way: Uryû Ishida, the Quincy!